I am, two of the most powerful words, for what you put after them shapes your reality. I learned the value of this when I was in the 7th grade. I had an amazing teacher by the name of Deborah Harris that taught me and a few other young ladies this. She formed an after school group called F.L.O. (For Ladies Only) and then we had a young boy that wanted to join and she let him so it was then called F.L.O and Neil…lol.
Looking back, I learned so many life lessons but the most powerful one was that of self-esteem. Ms. Harris poured into us by telling us to look in the mirror every morning and say “Good morning Beautiful” and to tell yourself that “You are loved”. She also would not allow negative self-talk in her classroom, when we would say something negative she would teach us how to turn it around by giving us a positive affirmation using I am. So for instance, if one of us would say that we were ugly, she would have us all repeat after her saying “I am beautiful” and our work at home was to again stand in the mirror and repeat I am beautiful in the mornings when we got up and in the evening before going to bed. This simple exercise changed the trajectory of my life forever.
Now, don’t worry, if you didn’t have a Ms. Harris in your life it’s okay. I am here. So, if I am shapes your reality, then I believe you can make the shift to start reshaping your reality whenever you want. Now seems like a good time, wouldn’t you agree?
There is a huge difference between I AM and I WILL, I will sends things into the future, and I am brings them to the present. I was talking to my BFF Tara the other day about this and we were saying that when God was asked who He was, he answered “ I am that I am. Now, this was mind blowing to the us because, when you think about it…if God is I am and we are made in her image and have the same power… and if whatever you put after I am, shapes your reality…then you have the “POWER” to create the life you want by what you say. From here on out I encourage you to use your powers for good and not evil, to build and not destroy, and to create the life you want and it all starts with your” I AM.” I challenge you to be mindful of your I am’s and practice shaping your reality and manifesting the things you want with your I AM.


Powerfully yours.