
As I sit and recount everything that has happened in my life in 2016, I am encouraged to finish strong. I have had lots of wins and I celebrate them all, no matter how small. There are things that I’ve learned from and things that I will definitely not do again.
Looking back, I see all of my accomplishments, things that I put on my “Manifestation Board” for 2016 and I see that a lot of them have come to fruition. There are some that I am still waiting for the manifestation but, I have no doubt that they will happen.
I use the last month of the year wisely. I map out and plan what I want to manifest in my life for the upcoming year. I do this by creating a guided manifestation/vision board. I am very clear about the things I want in 2017. I also use this time to clean up any loose ends, repair any broken relationships and clear out things and people that no longer serve my highest good. I just don’t sit around waiting for 2017 to come and I’m not done with 2016.vzm-img_20161202_171141
As I write this, I am reminded of the scripture, “The race is not given to the swift or strong, but to those who endure to the end.” So, I invite you to join me in finishing 2016 strong and don’t quit. Grab a bunch of your sister friends and get some magazines and start being intentional and purposeful about what you want and make a manifestation/vision board. Don’t give up, you’ve come too far to quit now. There is still time to create something in 2016 that will make your 2017 spectacular if you finish strong.images-3