I am so happy and excited at this very moment! Why you ask? I’ll tell you why? I did not give up on myself! I just launched my new website where you can download a copy of my FREE ebook.


This was really a big thing for me. I wanted to give up so many times during the process, but I kept on going. As I sit and ponder the reason’s I wanted to quit, a few come up but, FEAR was the biggest thing that I had to contend with. I really had to have conversations with myself, push myself and check my ego along the way.
Let’s talk about fear and how it will paralyze you and keep you from reaching your full potential. Fear will tell you that you are not worthy, it will tell you that no one wants to hear what you have to say, fear will stop you dead in your tracks. When I encounter fear, first I acknowledge it. I then sit in silence in a state of meditation and get clear to see what I’m feeling; is real or if it is fear based. After I’m clear about what it is I’m feeling I do the exact opposite of what fear says that I can not do.quote-1444099__180
So, with all of that said, whatever you have going on, whatever your next move is, I invite you to consider not to quit, don’t give up and know that You Can DO IT!